Week #24 Spiritual Laws

We are who we are in our deep, we are guided by our desires that become our will. Our will become our destiny. Through MKMMA I  recently became aware of the book the 7 Spiritual Laws of success by Deepak Chopra. This book was how to pool all the dots of the six months of the program. Success is a universal desire that is realized by pursuing a worthy ideal. We are goal seeking mechanism, we were born to fulfill our physical desires and spiritual.

A progressive expansion of a state of happiness.

We had been charged by parents and school that success comes from hard work, exact plan and ambition. This research of success, however, has led to worsen our health status and increased stress. The success is a journey not a destination through understanding that the reality show who we really are. Our human existence continues through our body, mind, soul, spirit and environment.

Awareness is to understand the transition between the un-manifested and the manifested. In our essential state we are spirit. Our source is getting everything in creation, and the same source spends time with ourselves. Most of the people treat their inside as a stranger. We are the generators of the creative process through the calmness of spirit.

With the experience of silence, we acquire the true potential because we can have an internal dialogue. This cannot happen if we judge others, we are in common with nature. There is nothing in the universe that is not accessible to us. We acquire energy from the universe, the energy circulate in our inside and giving back to the universe.

We must be aware of the intention to give, to be in service.

The book explores the seven universal laws in depth but we could not understand them until we rely only on what we see with our eyes. This course has given me so much and my life will be a worthy legacy of what I have learned

Week #23 Safe is risky

In continuing our adventure is becoming clear our path, now that we know what we need.

The search for new information or latest shortcuts never led anything than flood our minds and act with the handbrake on.

We are the captains of our life and though us we self-powered.

Too many times the other opinions have masked our true identity.

To grow there are no exit strategies or attempts, today is another day where we make decisions and that is what we have now.

We are the devices that control physical energy.

If we have difficult problems to solve means that our channel of contact with the universe is obstructed.

We must silence the opinion of our ego that try to find an explanation for this moment. To get more of what we have to give more. This means to be in service. A hero is one that demonstrates what is possible by taking action.

Even if, in the past, I have fallen in the comfort of express or mirror concepts of others.

With MKMMA I realized that the power is within me without copy the behavior of others I consider best than me.

Now I am no longer looking to improve myself but in the experience of recognizing the real me.

The great adventure is in the self-discovery.

In these words I met advises that I had already heard from people who challenged me to be more but I’ve never caught.

The best influence is in our self-discovery.

In the silence we feel better if we listen to our inner voice of our heart.

Through our personal experience and being observers, we will clean those channels that connect us to the universe.

We are participating in the creation, our true nature is a spirit of love.

Few people believe in the universal mind, the voice that we have inside.

This does not mean just be spontaneous but believe in ourselves, listen to that voice and be in service.

We celebrate our differences, our challenges and difficulties.

These tell us that we are on the right course.

Security is a risk because it takes us away from who we really are. Listening our heart we shape our true reality, we are the teacher of ourselves, the treasure is within us.

Week #22A The certain way

You don’t get rich doing certain things, you get rich doing things in a certain way.

We can create our economy, not politics, not the news, not the weather and not our environment. We do. All of us as human beings in the last analysis we are looking for time and financial freedom.

It’ s just a matter of awareness.

So many times we hear of opportunities, to be in the right place at the right time but in the end the same opportunities are not for everyone.

The ability to get rich is related to a level of awareness.

We eliminate the dark when we turn on the light.

We don’t just WANT to earn money, the fact is that there are many people get great results without being aware.

To increase our level of awareness we have gone from a MKMMA with effective education and a mentor to follow.

What you seek is actually looking for you.

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” – Joseph Campbell.

Life is nothing but a mind game and we have learned its laws with MKMMA.

We took the decision to develop our potential.

It is not a matter of being right but a responsibility to extend our ability to become more.

We have talents to discover in order to increase our value and the vale of people around us.

Our life increases or decreases, we have to decide to move forward or back, still is not allowed.

What we are programmed to believe has given our results.

If you want to get rich you have to follow the laws. These laws many timese are not the same ones provided to our parents and teacher.

This greater awareness comes from a calmness of mind through greater self-control,  be the observer.

We must replace the WANT with a burning desire and solid faith.

The Gratitude for all that we have around is the connection with the universe and make things happen.

The real secret is to think in a certain way by acting according to the laws.

All this is becoming an epic adventure.

Week #22 Your Unique Gifts

This week I took more awareness that we literally live the life we ​​choose.

It happens sometimes fell discouraged by the results we achieve, but if we are careful observers we understand that these are merely the consequence of certain attitudes accepted.

We are in control of the outcome of our actions.

We are doing what we want or what we are most comfortable?

Everything starts to take full responsibility that our inner world creates our outer world. The edge of the comfort zone controls us until we take control.

We feel free or jailed by our comfort zone.

As human beings we are willing to improve when we change the way we see the things.

Consequently, even those things around us change.

In reality the difficulties do not exist but are simply messengers that remind us that we are refusing to let go of what we do not need to accept than what we need.

One thing can be small or large, the difference is how we set ourselves against it.

When we see before us an insurmountable mountain we must be able to ridicule the deal with small steps.

In this way the road will seem easier then feasible.

We can get what we want but not everything we want.

We need humility in choosing what to pursue, our purpose.

Be glad of the new reality that is being created.

Is our vision, is not something that we have imposed on the parents or the school but from our heart.

We cannot give others something that is not genuinely ours,  something that we only copied from something other or handed down.

In  last analysis we were born to find connections, we have gifts to offer others.

Gifts that are just ours.

The mining of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.

Our bliss is to the edge of the comfort zone, each time you put in discussion that line you’ll find the Treasury

Week #21 The Miracle Manifesto

In MKMMA we were encouraged to recognize in the other the  virtues that we thought we were missing. This has led to a greater recognition that we are ourselves the channel of power that connects us with the Universe.

As mentioned in the previous blog, whenever we identify the virtues in others really means that we have inside us. We are really connected to the invisible force of the Universe.

This power controls our thoughts and we become the connecting of the channel. Only in this way can we understand that miracles are everywhere around us and we are one of them. We are the greatest miracle in a world of illusion where the evidence is the opposite of what it really is.

In this defined moment of awareness in MKMMA we gave ourselves permission to be an observers of the miracles that happen to us every day. We are servants  observers  all connected. We can not see all this light if we are not aware of the power that we have within us. We act through inspiration directly participating in these miracles.

The art of becoming a channel is accomplished through the art of visualization of perfection. Only if we see this perfection in others we could see it even inside us. Enthusiasm creates miracles. Ultimately we are a channel of the universe to discover our gifts and give them away to others.

We are contributors to extend the path of God. If we build this awareness within us, it will manifest. It is always believed that we are separate from this Identity but we cause our results so we have access to this inner wisdom. We can literally breathe and contemplate in silence this wisdom. The challenge is that only when we fall in our lowest point, we recognize that our power were never neglected.

In every adversity there is an opportunity or advantage, who seen that light discover the secret. The secret is a state of mind.

Week #20 the Edge

In this period of studies and exercises in mkmma, we wonder if today will be the day that we excel.

What obscure us that does not allow us to meet the person we want to become?

Every day can be the last chance to experience the melody that we are destined to compose.

I feel that awareness of the importance of time as a privilege.

Occasions and call are already gone but I AM and now I have all the tools necessary to break the shield that I have built with the passing years.

To be on the right track, we know that we must do our best to become the person we are capable of becoming.

In these months of mkmma we trained our minds to act with enthusiasm.

We know that every action is determined by the thing we have cultivated in our minds first.

Previously I was used to act without having the full confidence of my steps so at midway I tried an alternative way or another training to be learnt, in short an exit strategy.

Being multitasking made me to pay a big price without get what I wanted.

I learned this quote from a legend of the network marketing and I hope you can help avoid my mistakes earlier:

Do one things on a time

Do it Correctly

Finish it

Today will be the day of the new beginning if we will advance confidently, expressing our plan through continuous actions.

Only in this way we can celebrate our lives and be remembered for the lives that have inspired raising us to the conformity.

We have to literally listen the desire in our heart beyond the circumstances.

If we really want to answer the call for the new adventure we have to do something different than what we have always done.

We have to feel the feelings of emotional discomfort to expand our comfort zone.

Every time we hit the edge we become more because we are destined to become as a genetic predisposition.

Greatness is doing our best with what we have.

Life is just in the border of the comfort zone.

If  we are not living hitting the edge, we are taking up too much space.

Week #19 How can we change the world?

In the insights of this week in MKMMA there was talk of each human experience.
Every action has an effect and if we face life as causative consciously controlling our thoughts we will have the effect of having our experience under control.
This definition is so powerful but I risk to being misunderstood like some nice words that sound good.
With the help of exercises in MKMMA, we have more awareness of this power.
The mind is something real and eternal while the matter is in constant change.
Our mind act on different levels: mental, moral and spiritual.
The person with a powerful, constructive and positive thought reflects in his/her environment, health and business.
While a weak, critical and negative thought leads to fear, worry and nervousness and is reflected in finance, environment and conditions discordant.
Sometimes appearances can be illusory, and what we assume we have to be revaluated.
Most of our knowledge is something to be heard without know the real source.
Unfortunately an opinion can negatively influence at our inner.
We have grown literally through the major opinions that have influenced us more.
In the world today the concept of success in financial and material is exasperated.
In several platform of personal development is often extended the concept of survival of the fittest maybe even inspired by animals.
As a task for this week I saw the documentary I AM Tom Shadyac.
This film adding me the missing puzzle to my beliefs to conduct a good life.
The documentary deals with reminds us of our true values by trial of scientific basis.
We as human beings are born to be cooperative, love, compassion able being a pleasant person.
We are not in the world to compete but to create through cooperation and democracy.
The message that made me think a lot is the follow:

Nothing in nature takes more than it needs.

With MKMMA we definitely understood the laws of nature.
We must act listening our heart and being on service.
How can we change the world?
If we desire change in our outer world, we must first change our inner world – our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes.

Week #18 The Glad Game

In the path of this week with MKMMA, I recognized in myself the ability to say thanks to every circumstance  that happen to me every day.

We hold only faith as we let go the fear. However we need to give thank also for fear. Every time we meet fear that means  we have gone beyond our comfort zone.

More gratitude we have  and more quickly we become grateful. With MKMMA we are learning the importance of being honest, be open-minded and the will to do.

These behaviors need a certain period before being founded.

The new habits determine our actions, not knowledge.

It ‘s been a pleasure to remember the movie Pollyanna and the game to be glad  for all circumstances, I watched it when I was a child.

If you look for it you will find it, what you focus on will grow.

It’ s just a matter of make a decision, take a command and follow it.

Be happy for what we have now, letting go of what entrap us.

Only in this way the miracles begin to happen.

We put ourselves in a positive vibration that allows us to attract similar situations.

We start now with what we have and acting like the person we want to become.

I acted like Marco  until I am becoming.

Bringing more excitement in our lives will meet happiness and harmony. The world fits by law, our internal condition. We must grasp and hold what we need to move forward.

It all begins with a thought, a thought leads to the event but only the action is the bridge.

Give yourself permission to be that person and live the progression.

Week #17 HJ Act to the call

Within us there is a self-imposed mechanism that makes us behave like we are used to respond to events.
When we are faced with an important choice our internal mechanism makes us respond by default to avoid possible dangers.
It seems that work against us, but simply is what we have been taught to do during our life.
The price we pay unintentionally is the refusal to meet our authentic self.
The refusal to the call to go back to the ordinary we despise.
We prefer to stay stuck to the feelings of instability and confusion instead of giving meaning to our lives.
We think we have infinite time but the time is like an hourglass where we see the powder coming down without seeing how much is left over.
We cannot call our authentic without leave our old identity.
As human beings we have the same core desire, we feel the need to connect with others and the universe.
To take this path we must rise from the crowd.
Only a hero boldly tries to improve his world inspiring others to do the same.
Although he is surrounded by fear and negativity.
We have to throw ourselves into the unknown like a leap of faith. In this destabilized situation we find forces that we did not think we had.
Especially in the dark moments, when things go really bad if we place ourselves in a different point of view we will find that the same things can be our strength.
When we change the way we look at things, the things that we see change.
Whenever we see the imperfections are called to greatness.
Life from one hand takes away but in the other hand added if your hand is open.
The desire to improve is something we have inside that pushes us to evolve.
We realize that we have filled this space and we need a new place to fill it again.
As a child we would like to discover new things about us but we have to deal with the mechanism that seeks to protect us in its ways.
By focusing on our ultimate goal and taking the hero journey we will find our real us.
We begin to act by doing the opposite of how we always thought, being curious of fear.
Extend our miracle, exploring our potential.
It is not important to do the right things but the movement.
If we are not willing to explore this new world, our uniqueness, we are simply a copy of someone else’s way of thinking.
We cannot have authentic connections if we do not present our authenticity
Every time we hear the call and act on it we are true heroes.

Week #17 = make me feel important =

We became contenders living through principles. Small tasks for forge our new person. We have the responsibility to deal this path with enthusiasm. We are not in competition with each other but we are creating our new person. We are obsessed with our goal, what we really want.

By observing specific behavior of people that we attract with the imagination, we proceed through actions and events.

We are aware that the time has come for the dreamers. We are willing to fight for our worthy ideal. We should not worry about the how because we will find the means along the path.

To achieve more we must give more. Comes to help us this quote by Mary Kay Ash

“Pretend That every single person you meet has a sign around her neck or his that says =  make me feel important = not only you succeed in sales you will succeed in life”

We must do this deliberately and we’ll get a radical change. Taking care of others and our thinking , we do not let the outside interfere with our decision.

We have to create a mindset of abundance, seeing miracles around us. Observing these miracles if we look carefully we will find them already within us.

We cannot recognize in others something that we do not have. The new person we want to be is already within us. Acquiring this vibration we attracts people like us that know where they are going. Only after passing the wooden fence we could inspire people that we love to follow our path.

Trends come and go but the principles remain. The inner world develops the outside world. The passion in the exercises suggested in MKMMA confirm the power that we have inside.

We have this power to manifest and we have to give ourselves permission to leave was imprisons us and manifest our new person. Be the person before to have the evidence.